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Martinique Green

Of all the Caribbean islands, Martinique is one of the few with a vast and rapidly emerging potential for green tourism, thanks especially to its volcanic north and a tropical forest that is unique to the region--
The Route de la Trace is a genuine botanical circuit through the heart of this tropical forest that winds its way up Mount Pelee, surrounded by stunning landscapes dotted with rivers and waterfalls, and lined with beautiful flowers and tree ferns.

Throughout the island, Martinique boasts a wide variety of ecotourism activities with well-marked hiking trails, exceptional canyoning sites, backcountry routes for adventure and exploring, horseback riding, and much more.

You can hike just about anywhere, even near resorts. Martinique has 31 marked trails that are maintained by the National Forest Service. In addition to the Route de la Trace, other exceptional routes and best-known trails include:

  • Canal de Beauregard knows as the Slave Canals
  • La Trace des Jesuites
  • La Trace des Caps
  • La randonnee Grand Riviere/Precheur

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Martinique Green


Alizes Noticias

Martinique continua expandiendo y mejorado su oferta turística para el 2010, con el estreno de dos nuevos hoteles boutique o “hotels de charme” como le llaman en la isla, así como la renovación de uno de sus hoteles y mejoras a las atracciones de ecoturismo para tentar a sus visitantes como nunca antes.

Copyrights © Martinique Promotion Bureau/CMT USA 1996 - 2025 All rights reserved
Copyright pictures by Jean-Marc Lecerf, David Sanger, Luc Olivier, Michel Bocandé